VOCES8 International Summer School and Festival


Milton Abbey, Dorset, U.K.

Monday 26 - Saturday 31 July 2021

Owing to the COVID-19 crisis we sadly had to cancel the 2020 VOCES8 International Summer School and Festival, but following the publication of the UK Government’s ‘Roadmap out of lockdown’ we are planning to go ahead with the 2021 Festival in July. 

To allow for social distancing within the Abbey we are able to make a small number of tickets publicly available for each concert. Tickets must be purchased in advance and will not be available on the door.

Click below to find out more about each concert, and to purchase tickets. Doors open for all concerts 30 minutes before the start time.

Monday 26 July 2021, 7pm: Apollo5

Tuesday 27 July, 7pm: VOCES8

Wednesday 28 July, 7pm: VOCES8 and the VOCES8 Scholars with Luke Bond

Thursday 29 July, 7pm: Andy Dickens and his band

Friday 30 July, 7pm: Compline

Saturday 31 July, 4pm: Gala Closing Concert

A small number of Festival Season Tickets, giving access to all the week’s concerts, are available: