Make A Donation

Thank you for considering a donation to the VOCES8 Foundation. We are grateful for each and every gift you make.

You can donate to us in Pounds, Euros or US dollars.

You can also consider helping us to continue our work in to the future by remembering us in your Will - join our Aeterna Society.

You can make a one-off gift in GBP by PayPal or payment card, or set up a regular recurring donation.

You can also consider becoming a Friend of the VOCES8 Foundation.

You can make a one-off or regular tax-efficient donation in Germany in Euros via our partner in the Transnational Giving Europe network: the Maecenas Foundation.

You can make a one-off or regular donation in US dollars to our American branch, which is a United States 501(c)(3), tax-exempt non-profit organization.

A big thank you from our whole team!

Voces8 Foundation team